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SISTAR: "We are back with a more feminine and sexier look"

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SISTAR [Starship Entertainment]

SISTAR [Starship Entertainment]

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Donned in tight-fitting and high slit short red dresses, SISTAR presented tracks from their first mini-album "ALONE" at their showcase, which was broadcasted live to their fans across the globe through their official YouTube channel, on Thursday.

The girls are making their comeback in eight months after their first full-length album "SO COOL," which generated hits like "Ma Boy," "So Cool" and "Push Push."
"We have changed our whole concept and we figured that our title track 'Alone' gave off a more feminine and sexier image. Yet, it had a touch of sophistication," SISTAR member Bora said at the scene.

She added, "We have tested out a number of outfits but this new look goes well with what we want to say with our new album and it is completely different from what we have shown in the past."

At their showcase, SISTAR first took the stage for their cheerful tune "Lead me" and presented the full-length music video for "Alone," followed by their live performance of it.
SISTAR member Soyou explained, "For our title track 'Alone,' we have worked with producer Brave Brothers. The song has an addicting beat and it will get stuck in your head if you keep listening to it."

"We are more worried about this album than we have about our previous releases since it kind of signifies whether we have grown as singers or if we're just staying in the same level without any progress," member Hyolyn said.

Then she added, "We just hope that our fans and the public enjoy it since we had so much fun making it and we will work very hard to promote it with our appearances on televised music shows and variety programs."

SISTAR is scheduled to give their comeback performance on cable music channel Mnet's "M! CountDown" tonight.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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