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TVXQ to tour Japan next year

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Cover to TVXQ's upcoming Japanese album "TONE" [SM Entertainment]

Cover to TVXQ's upcoming Japanese album "TONE" [SM Entertainment]

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Singing duo TVXQ will tour Japan next year, making it the first time in four years that the popular idol group will travel throughout the country to perform for their fans there.

A message on the boys' official Japanese website showed Friday that the two, considered one of K-pop's most successful artists in the Asia region, will hold a total of 14 shows throughout nine cities in Japan for the "TVXQ LIVE TOUR 2012~ TONE~" for three months starting January 2012.
The dates and venues for their upcoming tour are: in Yokohama on January 18 and 19; the Japan Kaishi Hall in Nagoya on January 25 and 26; the Fukuoka Marine Messe in Fukuoka on February 11 and 12; the Toki Messe at the Niigata Convention Center in Niigata on February 18; the Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center in Sapporo on February 23; the Sun Dome Fukui in Fukui on March 9; the Osaka-Jo Hall in Osaka on March 13 and 14; and the Saitama Super Arena in Tokyo on March 17 and 18.

The tour will promote the boys' upcoming album titled "TONE" set to be released in the country on September 28.

The album will also be their first Japanese release as a duo since parting with former members Jaejoong, Yuchun and Junsu after the three halted their activities as TVXQ due to the unfairness of their 13-year exclusive contract with SM Entertainment.
TVXQ celebrated their return to the local music scene with their album "Why (Keep Your Head Down)," which was released earlier this year, scoring the top prize on various televised music programs and taking over a number of online music charts.

They also released the repackaged and Japanese version of album "Why (Keep Your Head Down)" which has fared well both in Japan and Korea.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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