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Big Bang T.O.P not confirmed for new series

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Big Bang member T.O.P (top) and actress Kim Ha-neul (bottom) [10Asia]

Big Bang member T.O.P (top) and actress Kim Ha-neul (bottom) [10Asia]

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Korean idol T.O.P of boy band Big Bang may be cast as the male lead in an upcoming TV series but has yet to be confirmed for it, according to his agency on Tuesday.

"T.O.P is looking into the Korean adaptation of 'Absolute Boyfriend' in a positive light," an official with YG Entertainment told 10Asia over the phone, downplaying a report from earlier in the day that said he was set for the show.
The official added that the agency will make an announcement when a final decision is made while actress Kim Ha-neul is also in talks to play the drama's female lead opposite T.O.P.

"Absolute Boyfriend," based on the popular Japanese comic of the same name, tells the story of a woman who purchases a robot boyfriend that has the characteristics that she wants.

It has already been made into a series in Japan and adapted for a Taiwanese remake which currently stars actress Ku Hye-sun and Taiwanese idol group Fahrenheit member Jiro Wang.
Born Choi Seung-hyun, T.O.P made his debut in 2006 as the rapper in his popular quintet which has released several albums and hit songs such as "Lies" and "Haru Haru" and they crossed over to the Japanese music market in 2009 where they have been received well too.

He expanded his career into acting with his appearances in TV series "I Am Sam" and in the blockbuster smash hit "IRIS," where he played an assassin.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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