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Jang Dong-gun starrer "My Way" invited to Berlin film fest

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Movie poster for "My Way" [CJ Entertainment]

Movie poster for "My Way" [CJ Entertainment]

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Korean actor Jang Dong-gun's war epic "My Way" will make its way to the Berlin International Film Festival (BIFF) next month.

The official website of BIFF showed on Wednesday that "My Way," also starring Odagiri Joe and Fan Bingbing, will compete against several other international selections for the Panorama Audience Award under the Panorama category at the 62nd of BIFF to be held in Berlin, Germany for ten days starting February 9.
"My Way" is famed Korean director Kang Je-gyu's Hollywood debut movie which tells about an Asian soldier (played by Jang) who was captured by the Japanese army and is later turned over to the German Nazis during World War II.

The film, which opened simultaneously in Korea and Japan on December 21, has attracted 1.7 million moviegoers.

Korean filmmaker Jeon Kyu-hwan's narrative feature "From Seoul To Varanasi," featuring Yoon Dong-hwan, Choi Won-jung and Shin Ye-an, was invited to Berlin under the same category as well.
"Varanasi" tells the story of a publishing house CEO who has an affair with a writer while his wife looks for something missing in her life.

In the meantime, Yoo A-in and Kim Yun-seok starrer "Punch" will be heading to BIFF too and will be screened under the 'Generation' category which is a segment for children and young adults.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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