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PSY readies himself for horse riding dance after topping Gaon singles chart for 5th straight week

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Solo artist PSY shows his funny moves in a still-shot of the music video for "Gangnam Style," dropped on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Solo artist PSY shows his funny moves in a still-shot of the music video for "Gangnam Style," dropped on July 15, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

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No trendy idol star would be able to beat the international internet sensation of the year, PSY, as he has been ruling not a small number of music charts in and out of the country with what has been named the 'horse riding dance.'

“Gangnam Style,” the title track off of PSY's sixth studio album "Six Rules, Part. 1," stretched its winning streak for five consecutive weeks on Gaon's weekly singles chart during the third week of August, according to data compiled by Gaon Thursday.
The music video of “Gangnam Style,” which is probably the biggest contributor that lead PSY shoot to international stardom, has been going viral by being mentioned by international celebrities on social networking services and American news outlets airing coverages on the 36-year-old musician's hilarious dance moves and lyrics.

His other tunes "Passionate Goodbye" and “What Should Have Been,” which ballad singer Sung Si-kyung and Lena Park featured in, respectively, ranked at No. 7 and No. 10 on the chart.

With a pretty big gap with the multiple week chart-topper, songstress BoA’s “Only One,” the title track off of her seventh full-length album of the same name, landed at No. 2.
Next up is boy group BEAST with their latest electronic tune “Midnight Sun,” followed by CNBLUE’s member Lee Jong-hyun’s “My Love," which is listed on the soundtrack to SBS’ TV series “Gentleman’s Dignity.”

SISTAR’s summer tune “Loving U,” almost into its eight week since the release in the last week of June, managed to stay in the upper ranks and rounded off the top five this week.

Other notable songs in the top ten are Davichi's “Do Men Cry,” 2NE1’s “I Love You” and songstress Juniel’s “illa illa.”

Over on the album chart, Girls’ Generation’s single album “PAPARAZZI," released in Seoul on August 16, debuted atop the list during the same time frame.

Following behind the nine-member group is Teen Top’s summer special album “Be Ma Girl.”

In the meantime, Super Junior’s “SPY,” the repackaged version of their sixth studio album “Sexy, Free & Single,” rounded out the top three this week.

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